Version History 3.x
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Change Log
- 3.4.3 is based on the Open CV 3.4.3 release
- 3.4.3 Windows release is built with Visual Studio 2017. CUDA release is built with CUDA 9.1
- iOS binary is build with XCode 10. Deployment build target has been changed from 6.0 to 8.0 (required by XCode 10).
- Windows Phone 81 and Windows Store 81 are no longer supported.
- Added HitMiss to MorphOp.
Bug Fixes
- Fix Android demo's camera permission issue.
- Fixed a bug in VideoWriter.WriterProperty enumeration.
- Use KAZE instead of SURF for TrafficSignRecognition demo.
- Fix a bug in the constructor of SuperpixcelSLIC. ( issue #612 )
- Fix a ZedGraph nuget dependency issue
- Note that for Windows platform, this release is build with MSMF. MSMF is pre-installed for Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro releases. For Windows N or certain Windows Server releases, it may require you to download and install Windows Media Feature pack.
This is a commercial version only release.
Change Log
- 3.4.1-r2 Fixed an bug such that Open CV's cmake script believes Intel compiler on Windows is not able to produce code for SSE2 and SSE3. As a result, it cause slower performance in the original 3.4.1 commercial release. If has been fixed from our forked opencv source code. More information can be found on this ticket
Online Documentation
Change Log
- 3.4.1 is based on the Open CV 3.4.1 release
- 3.4.1 Windows release is built with Visual Studio 2017. CUDA release is built with CUDA 9.1
- Added Eye, Diag, T, Zeros, Ones function to Mat.
- Added FarnebackOpticalFlow and SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow class.
- Added darknet importer in Emgu.CV.DNN. Added capability to read tensorflow and caffe models from memory.
- Added BackgroundSubtractorCNT class and XImgprocInvoke.L0Smooth
- Added CudaColumnSumFilter, CudaDerivFilter, CudaMedianFilter, CudaRowSumFilter, CudaScharrFilter, CudaSeparableLinearFilter.
- Added CudaEigenValCorner
- Added HistogramPhaseUnwrapping.
- Added HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector.
- Added file version for Windows native dll.
- Added bit exact bilinear interpolation for Resize function.
- Added BackgroundSubtractorGSOC & BackgroundSubtractorLSBP.
- Added ANNEAL mode for ANN_MLP.
- Added 6 charuco functions from cv::aruco namespace. Including: interpolateCornersCharuco, drawDetectedCornersCharuco, estimatePoseCharucoBoard, drawCharucoDiamond, detectCharucoDiamond and drawDetectedDiamonds.
- Added FacemarkLBF and FacemarkAAM
- Added "crop" parameter to BlobFromImage & BlobFromImages.
- Added training function to Facemark
- Added ShrinkModel & NMSBoxes to DnnInvoke.
- Added CvInvoke.BuildOpticalFlowPyramid
- Added a few more functions into CvInvoke:
SepFilter2D, BlendLinear, SpatialGradient, Scharr, BuildPyramid, IntersectConvexConvex, FitEllipseAMS, FitEllipseDirect and SqrBoxFilter
- Added CvInvoke.Rotate function.
- Added Sort, SortIdx and BuildInformation to CvInvoke
- Added CvInvoke.FindTransformECC
- Added Filled line types enumeration.
- Added LocalBinarizationMethods Enum for NiblackThresholding, Thanks for Callum Shipton
- Added parameters to TrackerKCF
- Added TrackerCSRT & TrackerMOSSE
- Added CvInvoke.NumberOfCPUs
- More functions exposed for the IAlgorithm interface.
- More properties exposed for Emgu.CV.DNN.Net.
- For Android demo, added Camera2Activity.
- For Android, it is now build with NDK r16b
- For iOS, enabled DNN.
- For iOS and OSX, added option to specify ImreadModes when creating Mat or UMat from UIImage or NSImage.
- For Windows commercial release, it is now also build with MKL.
- For Unity, added FeatureMatching demo.
- For OSX, VTK build option is enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in CvInvoke.CalibrateCamera function.
- Disable Tesseract, opencv text module and Emgu.CV.OCR for Windows 8.1 Store and Phone build.
(Windows 8.1 compiler doesn't understand constexpr C++11 syntax used in tessearct source code)
- Fixed issue #90
- Fixed issue #113, thanks to paolofulgoni
- Fixed issue #111, thanks to Callum-Shipton
- Fix Gpu Stitcher when Nonfree build option is enabled.
- Fixed a PInvoke signature mismatch for DAISY.
- Fixed demo data download issues, make it possible to download file from server that use TLS 1.2
Online Documentation
Change Log
- 3.3.0 is based on the Open CV 3.3 release
- 3.3.0 Windows release is built with Visual Studio 2017. CUDA release is built with CUDA 9.0
- Added .Net Standard 1.4 compilation support, thanks to Bernd Baumanns. You will need to compile from source code using the solution file under Solution\Windows.Desktop\Emgu.CV.sln and compile the project Emgu.CV.World.NetStandard1_4.
- Added Saliency module.
- Added ImgHash module.
- Added AKAZEFeatureFinder
- Return the essential mat in CvInvoke.FindEssentialMat
- Added TrackerMedianFlow, TrackerBoosting, TrackerMIL, TrackerTLD, TrackerKCF and TrackerGOTURN from Tracking
- Updated DNN module to match the Open CV 3.3 syntax
- Change FPS type from int to double in VideoWriter
- Added AnisotropicDiffusion and RollingGuidanceFilter in Ximgproc
- Added AlignExposures from Photo
- Added ApplyChannelGains from Xphoto
- Added MSDDetector from Xfeatures2D
- Added SVMSGD from Ml
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in iOS when loading PNG with ImreadModes.Grayscale
- Fixed a bug in RotationMatrix2D.CreateRotationMatrix
- Fixed issue #35
- Fixed issue #57
- Fixed issue #70
Online Documentation
Change Log
- 3.2.0 is based on the Open CV 3.2 release
- 3.2.0 supports Xamarin.Mac running under OSX. For the commercial license, we have included the pre-compiled OSX binary, along with demos that use Emgu CV with Xamarin.Mac for developing native OSX application, and a Xamarin.Forms project, where you can share your codes between Windows Store, Android, iOS and OSX platforms. Emgu CV for Mac OSX is also compatible with Visual Studio for Mac!
- 3.2.0 upgraded Tesseract OCR 4.0-dev from v3.04. CUBE OCR engine has been replaced with the better LSTM OCR engine.
- Added XObjdetect module
- Added back Bioinspired module
- Added CvInvoke.GetOptimalNewCameraMatrix, CvInvoke.GroupRectangles, CvInvoke.InitCameraMatrix2D, CvInvoke.FilterSpeckles function
- Added XImgprocInvoke.BilateralTextureFilter function, XImgprocInvoke.WeightedMedianFilter function, XImgproc.Thinning function, XImgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation class
- Added XFeatures2D.VGG, XFeatures2D.BoostDesc, XFeature2D.PCTSignatures, XFeatures2D.PCTSignaturesSQFD class
- Added VariantionalRefinement class
- Added Face.BIF class
- Added XPhoto.Bm3dDenoising function
- Added additional CalibType to match those in Open CV 3.2 release.
- Added Stitch mode for Stitcher constructor.
- Added customizable Aruco dictionary.
- Added MSER.DetectRegions function
- Added Dnn Tensorflow importer. Added Dnn.Blob.BatchFromImages function.
- Added TextInvoke.MSERsToERStats function
- For Tesseract OCR, Added TessResultRenderer, multiple GetText function, and separated Tesseract.SetImage and Tesseract.Recognize calls.
- The non-cuda version of windows installer has included debugger visualizer for Visual Studio 2017.
- Add scale / shift support to Matrix Convert<> [#19]. Thanks to [jaydcarlson]
- Adds support for using DPMDetector class from opencv [#24]. Thanks to [jbruening]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in the implementation of System.Drawing.Rectangle.Intersect & System.Drawing.RectangleF.Intersect
- Fixed a bug in Image<Rgb, Byte>.Save function.
- Fixed [issue #13 GC.AddMemoryPressure(StructSize.MIplImage) missing in Image.MapDataToImage()]
- Fixed [issue #9 Import Blob Image to Neural Net]
- Fixed [issue #5 Spelling mistake]
Online Documentation
Change Log
- 3.1-r16.12 is based on the same Open CV 3.1 release, it has better coverage on Open CV functions, support more platforms and comes with bug fixes.
- 3.1-r16.12 CUDA build is based on CUDA 8.0 and support latest NVIDIA devices (e.g GTX 1080)
- Commercial release for Windows Phone now include supports for UWP ( *An UWP project can target both Windows 10 Store and Windows Phone).
- Emgu CV for Xamarin iOS and Android is now compatible with the free version of Xamarin iOS and Android for Visual Studio & Xamarin Studio for Mac.
- Commercial release now support Xamarin Forms for Android, iOS and Windows UWP.
- Added Emgu.CV.Aruco namespace that wraps Open CV's Aruco module.
- Added Emgu.CV.Dnn namespace that wraps Open CV's Dnn module. (Only support Windows Desktop, Linux and Android).
- Added Emgu.CV.Fuzzy namespace that wraps Open CV's Fuzzy module.
- Added Emgu.CV.LineDescriptor namespace that wraps Open CV's LineDescriptor module.
- Added Emgu.CV.Plot namespace that wraps Open CV's Plot module.
- Added Emgu.CV.Tracking namespace that wraps Open CV's Tracking module.
- Added Emgu.CV.Viz3d class that wraps Open CV's Viz3d module.
- Added FlannBasedMatcher and AgastFeatureDetector for Features2D
- Added Tonemap, Decolor and SeamlessClone, MergeExposures, CalibrateCRF from the Photo module.
- Added CovariantEstimation, SuperpixelLSC, SuperpixelSLIC, GraphSegmentation from the XImgproc module.
- Added Get and Set WriterProperty to VideoWriter.
- Added Wrapper implementation for Stitching module, Stitcher.Stitch now returns the status.
- Added IsValidWord, GetHOCRText for Tesseract OCR.
- Added GetTextSize in CvInvoke
- Renamed Capture to VideoCapture to match the OpenCV class name.
- Added Cuda.MulSpectrums.
- Added GetBackgroundImage for BackgroundSubtractor.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a debugger visualizer crashing issue.
- Fixed a bug when loading PNG files into Mat.
- Fixed bug 142
- Fixed a bug in ANN_MLP.setActivationFunction
Online Documentation
Change Log
- 3.1 release no longer support CUDA on x86, CUDA 7.0 release has dropped x86 support.
- Based on Open CV 3.1.0 release. For details, please see Open CV 3.1 release note
- In this release, all projects except Emgu.CV.UI have been converted to shared projects. There is a new
project that references all the shared projects ( except Emgu.CV.UI ) and can be compiled to a single dll. - Unity 3D release have Windows 10 support. Windows Store and Windows Phone for Visual Studio will only support Windows 8.1 project type. We will bring Windows 10 UWP project type support for Visual Studio project in the next release.
- Emgu CV for Xamarin Android release now supports x86_64 and arm64_v8a architectures.
- Added Tesseract OCR support for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Store 8.1
- Added XamarinForms demo for Android and IOS.
- Added fish-eye calibration class.
- Added ConnectedComponents in CvInvoke.
- Added the optional mask parameter to CvInvoke.MatchTemplate function
- Added functions to allow programmatically select the Open CL device (CvInvoke.OclSetDefaultDevice)
- Added SimpleBlobDetectorParams such that we can change the default parameters for SimpleBlobDetector
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in UMat.Split, added dot product for UMat
- Fixed a bug in FloodFill where the bounding rectangle is not being returned.
- Fixed Bug 133 & Bug 166
Instruction to convert 2.4.x code to 3.0 can be found here
Online Documentation
Change Log
Compares to 3.0.0-rc1
- Based on Open CV 3.0.0 release. For details, please see Open CV 3.0 release note
- All versions of Emgu CV except the CUDA builds now use a single unmanaged dll (cvextern.dll) instead of the multiple dlls in prior releases (cvextern.dll, opencv_core{xxx}.dll, opencv_imgproc{xxx}.dll, etc). We are able to dramatically reduce the size of the dll compares to the old multi-file releases. For example, 3.0.0 open source final release, x86, non-cuda unmanaged binary contains a single cvextern.dll that is ~10MB in size. While the same build in 2.4.10 open source final release contains 19 files that is ~18MB in size. All CUDA build will still use the multi-file deployment model. We would like to make our CUDA build a single-dll release but we are having technical difficulty linking against static library that contains CUDA device code (The resulting binary will always cause Stack Overflow when CUDA code are called).
- Android version is now build with OpenMP support from Android NDK r10e. This enable multi-threading on mobile devices. Our Android demo app, such as Face Detection program now runs 4 times faster on a Quad-core android phone (tested on an HTC One M7).
- Added support for Debugger Visualizer for Visual Studio 2015
- Dropped support for Debugger Visualizer for Visual Studio 2008
- The 64 bit unmanaged dlls are built with CUDA 7.0
- The 32 bit unmanaged dlls are built with CUDA 6.5. The reason is that CUDA 7.0 no longer provide 32bit NPP library, which is necessary to compile 32-bit Open CV CUDA build. Moving forward, future versions of Emgu CV may not include 32bit CUDA release if NVidia drop supports for 32 bit NPP library in CUDA SDK.
Highlights since 2.4.10
- Windows Phone 8.1 support
- Unity 5.0 support
- Using Open CV's C++ interface
- Open CV's T-API support
- Optional parameters support in Emgu CV library
- Emgu CV 3.0 can use OpenCL (GPU computing) on certain Android devices. A list of OpenCL supported Android phone can be found here. Note that Open CV requires OpenCL 1.2, so only android phone with OpenCL 1.2 profile will be able to run Emgu CV OpenCL programs.
Instruction to convert 2.4.x code to 3.0 can be found here
Online Documentation
Change Log
- Based on Open CV 3.0.0-rc1 release. For details, please see Open CV 3.0 rc1 release note
- Added Windows Phone 8.1 support
- Added Unity 5.0 support
Online Documentation
Change Log
- Based on Open CV 3.0.0-alpha release. For details, please see Open CV 3.0 alpha release note
- Use Open CV C++ interfaces instead of the C interface
- Support for Open CV's T-API